Sunday, September 7, 2008

Guide: Adding Cracked Apps to iPhone 2.0 using IPA Method

The Method uses cracked .ipa Applications to be Installed Directly via iTunes.

First you need to patch 1 File.

1) SSH into your phone, navigate to the folder: "/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/MobileInstallat ion.framework"

NOTE: MobileInstallation.framework is a FOLDER!

2) Backup the file "MobileFramework" from the directory above.

NOTE: Rename it to MobileFramework.bak

3) Download this patched file - HERE :

4) Copy the patched MobileFramework file into the "/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/MobileInstallat ion.framework"

NOTE: MobileInstallation.framework is a FOLDER!

5) Set permissions to that new file to 775
6) Navigate to "/private/var/mobile/"
7) Set permissions to the folder "Applications" to 777
8) Navigate into the "/private/var/mobile/applications/ folder
9) Create a "Documents" folder in the "/private/var/mobile/applications/" folder.

10) Set the permission to 777
11) Navigate to the root level.
12) Navigate into the "/applications/" folder.
13) Create a "Documents" folder in the "/applications/" folder. Set permission to 777

12) Reboot your iPhone - IMPORTANT! Otherwise Apps will not install!
13) Restart iTunes
14) Download one OFFICIAL App from the app store, if you haven't already.

Note: Free app are fine. Just needs to be an OFFICIAL App.

Now to Install them :

1) Simply double click, or drag and drop the .ipa files into iTunes.
2) Sync them with your iPhone!
3) Reboot your phone IF the apps do not show up.
4) Enjoy!

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